CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Efficient Conversations

Suggested Strategy: Use a Define & Coach strategy so that both you and

the person you would like to coach are on the same page related to

what is expected going forward. This ensures that there is no


Suggested Questions:

→ Define & Coach: When I say the phrase efficient conversations, what

definition do you think you would assign to that phrase?

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing a

complete, strict adherence to that definition, and one representing that

you are inefficient in your conversations while taking a long time talking

with customers, where would you rate yourself and why?

→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you might mitigate by adopting

this definition in your own conversations?

→ Self-Actualized Question: What actions do you think you must take to

ensure that you are practicing this definition each day in your

conversations with customers?

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