Great Communication
Suggested Strategy: Use a Define & Coach strategy so that the person
you are coaching can improve their communication skills to the level that
is expected of them. When coaching to improve something like
communication, it is imperative that the expectations are clearly defined.
This gives the employee a specific goal to reach.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: How do you think you would specifically define what it
might look like to achieve a great level of communication?
→ Third-Party Coaching: How do you think your peers might honestly
describe your current level of communication on a daily basis?
→ Self-Actualized Question: What specific actions are you committed to
taking to implement great communication at work?
Suggested Activities:
→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of a whiteboard, write down
how the employee believes their peers might describe their current
communication. On the right side of the board, write down the definition
of great communication discussed at the start of your coachingsession.
Then, erase the left side of the board and work with the individual to
create a strategy for reaching the description on the right side of the
board. Ask them to keep in mind specific situations in a typical work day
where they will implement these strategies as you complete the activity.
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