Proactive Communication in Frustrating Situations
Suggested Strategy: Using the Define & Coach strategy, set a standard
definition for what Proactive Communication means between the two of
you, there is less room for misinterpretation going forward in your
coaching conversations.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: When I say the phrase Proactive Communication
what definition comes to your mind?
→ Success Imperative: How will you use proactive communication to
have tough conversations successfully and professionally with clients
and/or dealers?
Suggested Activities:
→ Role Play: Practice a conversation that would generally frustrate the
employee – have the employee play him/herself, and you play the other
side of the conversation that might be causing the frustration. How does
the employee handle their frustration? Ask them at the end of the
conversation what they think they could improve on for their next
→ Whiteboard Coaching: Whiteboard out the employee’s observations
about the practice conversation so that they can see the progression of
their own thought progression.
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