CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

→ Practice: Have three examples of emails from this individual printed

prior to this coaching session. Bring them with you, along with two

different-colored highlighters. Ask the individual to go through the three

emails, highlighting parts of them that they felt they executed well,

based on the definition of professional emails that was discussed

earlier. In the other color, ask them

to highlight the parts of the email

that were not in alignment with that

definition. Discuss how to improve

those parts so that the entire email

would look like the parts

highlighted in the first color.

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Tangible Successes: Ask the employee to print out three examples of

emails that they send to clients in the coming week that they felt were in

alignment with the agreed upon definition of professional emails and

bring them to your next coaching session. At that session, complete the

same activity with highlighters from this session. See if you notice a

difference from week to week.

→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Assign your coaching target to meet with a

peer once per week to practice composing professional emails. Have

them email you after their meeting to inform you of one thing that they

learned and one thing that they can take away to put into practice in

composing emails in the future.

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