Building Confidence as a Team
Suggested Strategy: In a group coaching setting, implement self-analysis
through analyzing current abilities and the risks associated with them,
following with building a specific strategy for improvement.
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: Where would you rate yourselves on a scale of one
to six on your confidence, with one being you are extremely nervous and
unsure, and six being you’re confident and assured all of the time, where
would you rate yourself and why? What can we do together as a team to
move us towards a six?
→ Risk Question: What risks do we assume as a collective team if we
don’t evaluate our confidence and make a change?
→ Self-Actualized Question: What would be an activity or reward you all
would enjoy winning if we achieve the goal of becoming more confident
as a team?
Suggested Activities:
→ Whiteboard Coaching: Write on the left side of the board how they
think another group observing them would currently describe their
confidence as a team. Then on the right side of the board, write down
what they think ideal confidence looks like. Erase the left side of the
board and write down the steps necessary to be more confident as
described on the right side of the board.
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