CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Building Confidence Through Speaking Your Mind

Suggested Strategy: Have employees practice speaking their minds in a

constructive, controlled manner in situations that are safe, and you’ll

notice their confidence boost.

Suggested Questions:

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with

six being you feel confident in meetings to voice

your opinions on a consistent basis, and one

being that you feel like you hold back and hardly

ever voice youropinions, where would you rate

yourself and why?

→ Self-Actualized Question: What can I do to

support you to help you be more successful at

voicing your opinions when they are warranted in meetings?

→ Risk Question: What risk do you assume by not practicing the skills

necessary to participate more in meetings?

Suggested Activities:

→ Define & Coach: Come up with a shared understanding of how and

when to participate in meetings. Also come up with techniques they can

use in order to develop their confidence in meetings. Come up with

some easy phrases they can use when they feel like they need to voice

their opinions.

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