→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Assign your coaching target to meet with two
different peers each week to seek out new information and strategies
related to this topic that they may not have known prior to those
meetings. What takeaways from their peer meetings can they put into
practice in their own position? The vulnerability that this exercise brings
about reveals to the employee that even though they have been with
thecompany for a long time or have more experience in the field, there
maybe new developments that they could be benefiting from. Discuss
the findings that the individual gained in their peer interactions at your
nextcoaching session.
Supplemental Coaching Strategies:
→ Non-Verbal Coaching: As your coaching target begins to put their
newly gained knowledge to use in their daily actions at work, leave them
a hand-written note at their workstation sharing with them how they are
making positive strides to become a great leader among their peers.
Also share with them how their adaptability is appreciated by you and by
the team.
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