Confidence in Skills
Suggested Strategy: Have your coaching target
demonstrate to you theskills that you feel they
may not be confident to ensure that they know
what actions they need to take to execute that
skill. After you have made an analysis of the
knowledge of that skill, you can help them to
practice to become more confident.
Suggested Questions:
→ Demo Me: Ask your coaching target to demonstrate or explain
specifically how they would normally go about completing the task that
you believe they may not be confident in. If they seem to stumble, walk
through the process with them.
→ Success Imperative: How might becoming confident in this skill help
you become the most successful you can be in your position?
Suggested Activities:
→ Practice: Give the individual the opportunity to practice the particular
skill that you would like them to become confident in in an environment
where they can ask questions and complete the practice at a pace they
are currently comfortable with. As they practice more, they will have
fewer questions and will improve upon their speed and knowledge of
the skill.
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