Increasing Confidence Through Mentorship
Suggested Strategy: Sometimes people don’t realize their own skill sets
and confidence in doing so until they have the opportunity to mentor or
coach someone themselves. Provide the opportunity to practice peer to
peer work in an area the employee demonstrates high capabilities in,
which will translate to confidence in areas that are lacking.
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six being
you feel confident you can teach someone the skills
necessary to do (insert area), and one being you don’t feel
confident, where would you rate yourself and why?
→ Opposite Insertion Question: What can you do to
successfully workas a peer mentor to develop the skills
necessary in a coworker?
→ Reflection Question: How has the process of
mentorship and coaching helped you build success in
the areas you feel confident in?
Suggested Activities:
→ Demo Me: Have the employee go over their process of coaching and/or
teaching a coworker a skillset. Have them reflect how knowing how to do
so affects their confidence. Does it make them feel knowledgeable?
Useful? Valued?
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