Avoiding Conflict
Suggested Strategy: Try to find the source of why this person does not
address conflict, or even avoids it.
Suggested Questions:
→ Permission-Based Question + The Sword: With your permission, and
so that I do not make any assumptions because that would be unfair to
you, I would like to share some observations that I have made that I feel
may provide an opportunity for growth in your position. (When
permission is granted) It is my perception that you have a hard time
addressing conflict and may even avoid it even when it is necessary that
it be addressed.
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing being
absolutely comfortable, and one representing being terrified, where
would you rate yourself in terms of
your ability to address conflict and
why? (If the answer is below a six)
What actions can we take togetherto
help you reach a six?
→ Risk Question: What risks do you
think you might assume by avoiding
conflict and having potentially tough
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