CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Handling Conflict

Suggested Strategy: Approach conflict with a positive light while

pinpointing the triggers of stress through your coaching conversation.

Suggested Questions:

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one

to six, with six being you are able to

calmly address conflict every time it

presents itself, and one being you

become stressed by conflict, where

would you rate yourself and why?

What actions can we take together to

help you reach a six?

→ Third-Party Question: If your best friend were here right now, how do

you think they would describe your ability to handle conflict? How might

this ability affect your work relationships?

Suggested Activities:

→ Brainstorming: Make a list together of things that occur in the

employee’s conversations that trigger stress or negativity. Plan things

that you can do together to help them handle those stressors and

conflict in a positive way.

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