CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Journal-Based Coaching: Have the employee keep a daily journal of

times where he/she becomes aware of a struggle in handling a conflict.

How could their communication have been improved in that situation

and how will they handle a situation like that going forward? Bring the

journal entries to the next coaching session.

→ Self-Directed Learning: Ask your coaching target to read The 7 Habits

of Highly Effective People , one chapter per week. Each week have

them bring to your next coaching session three things that they took

away from the book that they feel could be improved on in their daily

interactions with clients and peers, especially those that may cause


Supplemental Coaching Strategies:

→ Non-Verbal Coaching: Leave the employee a hand-written note when

they exhibit a positive response to a potentially negative conversation.

Be specific in your note of what they did well.

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