Handling Stressful Situations
Suggested Strategy: Dig down with your questions to reach the source or
triggers of your coaching target’s stress during a conversation or
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six being you handle
stressful situations with ease, and one being you find yourself struggling
to handle stress in a conversation, where would you rate yourself and
why? What actions can you take together to reach a six?
→ Third-Party Question: What do you think your teammates’ confidence
would be in having you take over a conversation with one of their
clients? Do you think you would have the skill to keep the relationship
between that client and your peer positive through your conversation
with them and how would you exhibit that skill?
→ Self-Actualized Question: What things in a conversation might cause
you to become stressed or have a negative attitude? How can you
positively handle those curveballs?
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