Handling Uncomfortable Situations with Peers
Suggested Strategy: This conversation should take place after a person’s
situation with a peer has been brought to your attention but should be
handled by the individual rather than have you step in. You are
coaching them to handle situations like this on their own in the future.
Use Whiteboard Coaching to help them have a set strategy for
addressing these circumstances in the future.
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing not at
all uncomfortable and one representing incredibly uncomfortable, where
would you rate how you felt in this situation?
→ Question Back: If I hadn’t been available, what might you have done to
address this situation on your own?
→ Self-Actualized Question: What actions do you think we can take
together to help you reach a six and become comfortable in addressing
situations such as this in the future?
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