CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Holding Teammates Accountable

Suggested Strategy: Use Third-Party Coaching to help the person you

would like to coach realize the benefits that could come to both

themselves and the teammates that they should be holding accountable.

Suggested Questions:

→ Third-Party Question: How do you think accountability amongst

teammates can benefit the team as a whole?

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing a

complete comfortability and one representing being uncomfortable or

exhibiting a dislike for it, where would you rate yourself as it relates to

holding your teammates accountable?

→ Self-Actualized Question: (If the response from the rating question is

below a six) What actions are you committed to taking to help yourself

reach a six?

Suggested Activities:

→ Practice: Have a few practice conversations relating to situations

where holding a teammate accountable would come into play. Both you

and the employee you are coaching should play both roles in the

practice conversations and should both provide feedback.

→ Brainstorm: Ask the employee to help you brainstorm some accountability strategies that could be put into practice in their working

relationships with their teammates, as well as what the effects of those

strategies might be for the team.

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