CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Resolving Team Conflict Through Constructive Communication

Suggested Strategy: It’s one thing to communicate about conflict in an

unconstructive way but getting everyone on the same page when it

comes to what constructive communication looks like will increase the

positive outcomes of discussing conflict rather than retreating from it.

Suggested Questions:

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six

being you feel like our team consistently engages in

constructive conversation about conflict, and one being

we rarely if ever do so, where would you rate our team

and why?

→ Reflective Question: I don’t want you to answer right

away, I’m going to (get a coffee, use the restroom, etc.)

but while I’m gone, I’d like you tothink about what

actions you might be willing to take in order to have

constructive conversation about conflict as a team.

Suggested Activities:

→ Define & Coach: Have the team come back and answer your reflective

question you asked in the questions section above. Then, have the team

define what constructive communication/conversation means to them.

Use this as an opportunity to coach to their definition and fill in the gaps

if they’re leaving out pieces of that definition.

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