Approaching Sensitive Situations
Suggested Strategy: Use a Define & Coach Strategy paired with a Third-
Party Question to help the individual’s awareness of how they might be
perceived when approaching sensitive situations. Use Whiteboard
Coaching to help them build a strategy for approaching those situations
going forward.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: What would
you categorize specifically as
sensitive situations in your
→ Third-Party Question: How
would you say your team would
describe your strategy for
approaching sensitive situations?
Suggested Activities:
→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of a whiteboard, write down the
individual’s answer to your Third-Party Question. On the right side of
the board, write down how the individual thinks an ideal approach to
handling sensitive situations might look like. Then, erase the left side of
the board and create a strategy together for the individual to take in the
future as they address sensitive situations.
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