Emotional Intelligence
Suggested Strategy: Having the employee drive the conversation about
what they would like to achieve will not only assist you in learning to ask
the questions but will drive them to look inward and see how they may
be holding him/herself back.
Suggested Questions:
→ Self-Actualized Question: What do you think might be the things that
trigger negative emotions for you? How do you think those emotions
affect your relationships with peers and customers?
→ Opposite Insertion Question: What will you do in the future to
successfully maintain positive relationships with the people you work
Suggested Activities:
→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of the board, write down how
the employee thinks their peers would currently describe them as a
teammate. On the right side, write down how they would ideally be
described by their peers. Erase the left side of the board and write down
what actions you can take together to reach the description on the right
side of the board.
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