CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Personal Life Issues in the Workplace

Suggested Strategy: Approach this subject with sensitivity and ask for

permission. Use the five words we, share, opportunity, perception,

observation to open the conversation. Your focus should be on

protecting the employee from being exposed with personal issues

coming through to the workplace.

Suggested Questions:

→ Present & Respond: Hypothetically, If I were to present to you that

your personal life may be getting in the way of your success, how do you

think you would respond in a way that would positively impact your

success going forward?

→ Risk Question: What risks do you think might present themselves

when personal life is brought into the workplace?

Suggested Activities:

→ Brainstorming: Make a list of things that are happening outside of

work that are bothering the employee that they might be willing to share

with you, with the agreement that those issues will not be shared outside

of your office by either of you.

→ Practice: Set up a recurring schedule together of a time once per week

that you can get together so that the employee has an opportunity to

verbalize some things that may be bothering them in a protected space.

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