CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Remaining Calm Under Pressure

Suggested Strategy: Practice is the best way to gain confidence in a

situation like this one. Use role play to practice tough situations where

keeping your cool and remaining calm is imperative.

Suggested Questions:

→ Third-Party Question: If we were to ask your peers about how they

would describe you in a high-pressure situation at work, what do you

think they might say?

→ Third-Party Question: How do you think your best friend would

describe your actions when in a high-pressure situation?

→ Success Imperative: What actions do you think we need to take

together to help you stay calm when in high-pressure situations at work?

Suggested Activities:

→ Role Play: Set the scene for a situation

with a customer that could potentially be

high-pressure. Role play the conversation,

practicing both roles. Ask the employee to

provide you feedback on your role in the

conversation, and you provide feedback for

them. Practice two to three different


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