Suggested Strategy: Determine what you would like this person to be
self-aware of. What is it that you would like them to improve on and
then coach to the awareness of that improvement?
Suggested Questions:
→ Permission-Based Question + The Sword: Use the words: we, share,
opportunity, perception, permission as well as the sword. For example:
“With your permission, and so that I don’t make any assumptions
because that would be unfair to you, I would like to share some
observations that I have made, as well as some opportunities that we
can take advantage of to help you….” When permission is granted, usea
phrase like, “it is my perception that (insert what you have observed
→ Opposite Insertion Question: What will you do to
? Use whichever word fits the
behavior that you would like to plant a seed with this person regarding
what you are coaching them to be self-aware of.
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