CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Self-Directed Learning: Have each member of the team watch a team

sporting event on television in the next week. What are two things that

the team did well together? What are two things they could have done

better together? Did the team accomplish a goal together? Each

member of your team should write down their responses to these

questions and their observations in a journal and bring them to your

next team coaching session.

→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Assign the team to meet once per week with a

new member of the team as a strategy session to check in with each

other on projects they are working on, and to give them a chance to

brainstorm, ask questions, or bounce ideas off of each other. After the

meeting, each member of the team should email you with what they

learned from the other person during their meeting.

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