Employee Voice
Suggested Strategy: Start the coaching conversation with a Rating
Question to see where your coaching target currently stands with their
ability to provide input/feedback, then strategize on how to boost that
with employees on a more consistent basis.
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six being you feel like
your opinions and input are heard and acknowledged consistently, and
one being you feel like you rarely are acknowledged and heard, where
would you rate yourself and why? What can I do on my part to move
you closer to a six?
→ Risk Question: What risk do I assume if I don’t acknowledge or hear
your opinions or concerns?
→ Self-Actualized Question: What do we need to do together to create a
structure where you feel open to sharing your concerns or opinions and
have that feedback be heard?
Suggested Activities:
→ Role Play: Practice a conversation where they give you feedback and
you respond. Have the employee give you areas that you succeeded at,
need improvement on, and things that you could avoid doing in the
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