Finding Success Rather Than Focusing on Failure
Suggested Strategy: It is often easy to focus on the sense of failure when
something does not go as planned. Coaching the individual to find the
opportunities that come about because of a perceived “failure” will help
them to shift their focus on something more positive. Utilize Whiteboard
Coaching to build a strategy with the individual for addressing situations
where they may feel like they have failed.
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six,
with six representing that you are quick to
find a way to find something positive out of a
situation where things did not go as planned,
and one being that you tend to only focus on
the perceived “negative” outcome of the
situation, where do you think you would rate
yourself and why?
→ Success Imperative: What steps do you
think we can specifically take together to help
you reach a six and find more positive
opportunities out of situations where things
may not have gone as planned?
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