CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Integrating Positive Language

Suggested Strategy: Incorporate GOAL-Based Coaching into your

coaching activities to help the individual understand how positive

language can help them move forward toward their goals.

Suggested Questions:

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, how well do you think you

incorporate positive language into your regular conversations at work,

with six representing that you are 100% positive in each conversation

and one being that you are 100% negative in your conversations.

→ Success Imperative: What actions do you think you must take to

successfully implement positive language into your conversations to

help you move toward a six?

Suggested Activities:

→ GOAL-Based Coaching: What does the

individual aspire to become Great at in their

career? What Opportunities might be

afforded to the individual because of

becoming great? What Actions do they

need to take related to integrating positive

language into their conversations to bring

those opportunities within reach? What will

they Love about reaching their goals?

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