Receiving Constructive Criticism
Suggested Strategy: Help your coaching target develop the skills
necessary to handle constructive criticism in order for them to hear what
is needed. Practice third party questioning, role-playing, and
perspective taking.
Suggested Questions:
→ Third-Party Question: How do you think your peers would describe
your ability to receive constructive criticism? Why do you think they
would give the answer they’d give?
→ Hypothetical Question: Hypothetically, if you had to name two areas
that you need to work on to be more receptive to constructive criticism,
what would you say and why?
→ Reflection Question: After going through these questions, what did
you learn about yourself from a positive perspective? What did you learn
that you now know you need to keep developing and why?
Suggested Activities:
→ Define & Coach: Come up with a shared set of criteria that needs to be
used in listening and receiving constructive criticism. Areas include:
stopping your first reaction, remembering the overall benefits of
feedback, listening for understanding, asking questions to clarify or
deconstruct. Getting everyone on the same page allows for clarity and
higher ability to achieve the desired results.
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