CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Developing Millennial Communication

Suggested Strategy: Millennials are used to

voicing their opinions and bring positive

developments to workplaces due to this

communication style. Sometimes, however, they

can come off as brash and disrespectful to

systems and superiors without intending to.

Bring in third party observations, as well as

redirecting to goals, to help this type of

employee use their opinions for good.

Suggested Questions:

→ Third-Party Question: If you were a manager to another manager, and

their subordinate employee talked over them to get their opinion out,

what type of image and connotation does that bring up?

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six being you’re

conscientious and understanding of when to communicate opinions, and

one being you are unsure of where those boundaries are, where would

you rate yourself and why? What can we do together to move you closer

to a six?

→ Risk Question: What risk do you assume by not building up

communication skills to help your progress in the company?

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