CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Motivating Conversations

Suggested Strategy: The best way to motivate and engage employees is

through the art of the coaching conversation. Doing so allows you to

verbalize your thoughts in a tactful way that encourages dialogue and

embracing of coaching.

Suggested Questions:

→ Self-Actualized Question: What parts of a conversation may alienate

or cause harm to others? How do you handle objections when they

come your way?

→ Third-Party Question: What do you think your teammates’ confidence

in you is based off your conversations you have with them?

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six being you are able

to motivate your team through coaching conversations with confidence

and ease, and one you struggle and stress about doing so, where would

you rate yourself and why?

Suggested Activities:

→ Role Play: Have the employee act as

themselves, and you play the roleof

someone approaching them in a coaching

relationship. After you do so, discuss how

they think the conversation went. What did

they do well, what would they change in the

future, etc.

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