CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

→ Teach Me: Give the person a sample situation of someone or

something becoming distracting. Ask them to walk you through what

actions they could take in that situation to avoid distractions and remain

focused on their work.

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Assign your coaching target to meet with two

of their peers once each during the week. Ask them to interview their

peers about how they handle distractions. What actions do they take to

avoid distractions? What strategy do they apply to get back on track

when they do become distracted? How do they keep themselves

organized so that distractions are minimal? They should email you after

each meeting with what they learned, as well as two things that they

canapply to their own strategy in avoiding distractions.

→ Journal-Based Coaching: Throughout the week, have the employee

keep a running journal entry of times where they felt most distracted

during the day. What was the distraction, and what effect did it have on

their focus? Be prepared to discuss the journal entries at your next

coaching session.

Supplemental Coaching Strategies:

→ 30-Second Coaching: Take 30 seconds to verbally acknowledge a

time where you observed this person avoiding distractions and staying

focused. Let them know what effect their focus had on their productivity,

and that you appreciate their efforts.

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