Delegating Tasks for Work-Life Balance
Suggested Strategy: This person may not be comfortable with or know
how to delegate appropriately. Give them the tools they need to
delegate successfully through defining their desired outcome.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: What does the word delegation mean to you and how
can you implement it into your daily activities?
→ Success Imperative: How might delegation help you successfully
balance work life and personal life?
→ Self-Actualized Question: What actions will you take to ensure that
you are successfully implementing delegation with your dealer network,
based on our definition, each day so that you don’t become
Suggested Activities:
→ Whiteboard Coaching: Have your coaching target write on a
whiteboard the definition from the start of your coaching conversation to
provide a visual representation of the definition and to make it seem
more tangible. They should list four times throughout the coming week
that they could implement delegation, based on the given definition, and
how delegating tasks to the appropriate channels will have an effect on
their day-to-day activities at work.
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