Effective Forecasting
Suggested Strategy: Asking a Define & Coach question will put the
person you are coaching in a position to evaluate what the ideal
behavior is and how their own current behavior compares to that.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: When thinking about effective forecasting and how
that contributes to success in your position, how do you think you would
specifically define what effective forecasting looks like?
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing the
definition you just gave me and one representing the exact opposite,
where do you think you would rate your forecasting and why?
→ Success Imperative: What specific actions do you think we should
take together to help you move toward a six and reach success through
effective forecasting?
Suggested Activities:
→ GOAL-Based Coaching: What are the specific goals that this person
has set for themselves to reach in the near future? What will they need
to become Great at to reach these goals? What Opportunities might
become available to them as a result of becoming great? What are the
specific Actions that the individual must take or have facilitated to bring
those opportunities within reach? What will the employee Love about
reaching these goals? How will effective forecasting help to put them on
the fast track toward reaching their goals?
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