Productivity During Down Time
Suggested Strategy: Try and let the employee come to the conclusion on
their own that they could be more productive
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing a
100% productive day, and one being extremely unproductive, where
would you rate your average day and why?
→ Hypothetical Question: Hypothetically, if I were to ask your peers how
they would describe your consistency in productivity, what do you think
they might say?
Suggested Activities:
→ Define & Coach: “When I say the word productivity , what definition
comes to mind?” Once you have an agreed upon definition, of
productivity, ask the question, “What three actions can we take to make
sure that you exhibit our definition of productivity?” Write the definition
and actions to be taken mapped out on a whiteboard for visualization.
→ Teach Me: Have your coaching target walk you through their process
for deciding what to do during their slower times during the day. How do
they make sure that their daily tasks are accomplished during that time?
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