Taking Initiative Outside of Direct Responsibilities
Suggested Strategy: Help this person link the success that they can
reach with the action of taking initiative to better not only themselves, but
the team as a whole. Start with the definition of what taking initiative
means in your coaching target’s position, so that you are both on the
same page of what that looks like and what is expected.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: When I say
the phrase taking initiative ,
what does that mean for you?
What actions will you take to
ensure that you are exhibiting
that definition of taking initiative
in your daily activities at work?
→ Hypothetical Question:
Hypothetically, if your team were to describe your ability to take initiative
outside of the direct assignments you have been given to drive your
team forward and in going above and beyond, what do you think they
might say and why?
→ Self-Actualized Question: What will you do to own yours and your
teams’ initiative in going above and beyond directly assigned tasks?
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