CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Taking Too Long to Start the Day

Suggested Strategy: Help your coaching target realize how slowly

starting their workday can have a negative impact on their entire day

and their productivity.

Suggested Questions:

→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing a fire

to get the day started each time you come into the office, and one

representing being slow and sluggish, where would you rate yourself

regarding how you approach getting your day started at the office and

why? What actions can we take together to help you reach a six?

→ Opposite Insertion Question: What actions will you take going

forward to energetically and efficiently get your day started when you

arrive at your desk?

Suggested Activities:

→ Teach Me: Have the employee walk you through their routine when

they first come into the office for the day. What do they think could be

improved in their routine to initiate a more efficient start to their day?

→ GOAL-Based Coaching: What does this person hope to become Great

at in their career? What Opportunities could be afforded to this person

by becoming great? What Actions must this person take to bring those

opportunities within reach? What will this person Love about reaching

their goals? How can having a fast start to the day help this person in

their path toward reaching their goals?

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