→ Teach Me: Have the employee walk you through three specific actions
they will take in the coming week to develop a specific skill and become
closer to reaching their goals?
Suggested Learning Projects:
→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Ask the employee to meet with a peer in the
coming week to practice and improve a specific skill – this can be
through role play, brainstorming, or practice of the skill itself. After the
session with their peer, have the employee email you with three things
they learned or can take away from the session to put into practice in
their own skill development.
→ Self-Directed Learning: Have the employee you are coaching come
back to your next coaching session with three specific examples of
efforts made to improve their abilities and develop a skill (aside from the
peer-to-peer coaching that was assigned).
Supplemental Coaching Strategies:
→ 30-Second Coaching: Take 30 seconds to verbally acknowledge the
employee’s positive efforts to improve their skills. Be specific in sharing
with them your observations of their development.
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