CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Delegating Through Peer Relationships

Suggested Strategy: Use techniques like Peer-to-Peer Coaching to work

on things that this person struggles with - working with others, delegating,

and teamwork to increase efficiency and morale.

Suggested Questions:

→ Risk Question: What risks do you assume by not delegating tasks?

→ Third-Party Question: What do you think your peers say about you

taking on tasks rather than delegating to others? Do you think this

boosts their trust in you?

→ Self-Actualized Question: What can we do together to come up with

skills necessary to feel comfortable working with others? (There may be

an innate fear of working with others that may not be overt.)

Suggested Activities:

→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of the whiteboard, write down

how the employee thinks their peers would currently describe their peer

relations skills. On the right, write down how they should ideally go

about delegating through peer relations. Erase the left side and write

down specific actions the employee can take to reach the ideal side.

→ Role Play: Practice the skills necessary to interacting with peers and

delegating tasks that you just discussed in the whiteboard activity. This

provides a safe space open for feedback, questions, and concerns.

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