Effectively Handling Disagreements
Suggested Strategy: Utilize a Define & Coach strategy to narrow down
what effectively handling disagreements means for you and for the
individual – this is a situation where different individuals might have
different ideas of what this means.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: When I say the phrase effectively handling
disagreements , what definition do you think you would assign to it as it
relates to the workplace?
→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you might mitigate because
of putting that definition into practice in your own interactions?
→ Success Imperative: What actions do you think you are committed to
taking to successfully implement that definition in your own
disagreements in the workplace?
Suggested Activities:
→ Role Play: Practice situations where the individual may have a hard
time putting that definition into practice in their own disagreements at
work. Have the individual be prepared to share feedback for themselves
as you go through the practice disagreements.
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