Gossiping at Work
Suggested Strategy: This person may not be aware that gossip can not
only be distracting, but hurtful to those that may overhear or have word
get back to them.
Suggested Questions:
→ Permission-Based Question + The Sword: This strategy opens the
person you would like to coach up to receiving feedback (Permission)
and presents the fact that you are owning the reason you are giving
feedback (The Sword). “With your permission, I would like to share
some observations with you that I have made that may provide an
opportunity for growth with our company.” When permission is granted,
follow with, “Because I don’t want to make any assumptions because
that would be unfair to you, I would like to share my perception that you
participate in gossip at the office, and it may be having a distracting
effect on other members of the team.”
→ Reflective Question: Without
answering immediately – give yourself
some time to think about your answer –
I would like to know what actions we
can take together to help you and the
other members of the team avoid
gossiping during the day, as gossip can
be hurtful as well as distracting.
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