Suggested Learning Projects:
→ Journal-Based Coaching: Ask the employee to keep a journal in the
coming weeks with entries noting times during the week when they felt
that they made an effort or improvement in building an open and honest
relationship with a peer. In the entry, they should be specific in what
action(s) they took in the situation, what the outcome was of their
actions, and how they felt after the interaction. Discuss their journaling
at your next coaching session.
→ Tangible Successes: Ask the individual to come back to your next
coaching session with three examples of times during the week where
they felt that they made progress in building an open and honest
relationship with peers – what were they open or honest about, how did
their actions affect those relationships?
Supplemental Coaching Strategies:
→ Non-Verbal Coaching: Send a hand-written note home with the
employee when you observe improvement in this individual’s
relationships in the workplace. Let them know specifically what actions
they took and how the results are beneficial to both the individual and
the team.
→ Observational Coaching: Ask the employee to observe the
relationships around them amongst their peers. What takeaways can
this person put into practice in their own peer-to-peer relationships as it
relates to being open and honest?
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