CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Perspective Change to Mend Relationships

Suggested Strategy: Use Reflective Coaching to allow the employee to

shift their perspective while using the Rule of Engagement, which will

allow you to guide the conversation and outcomes prior to discussing

the topic at hand.

Suggested Questions:

→ Rule of Engagement: To start off the conversation with direction, ask

the employee what they are going to do to successfully engage with

their teammates. At this point, tell

the employee you don’t want to hear

about what the other employees

may or may not have done wrong,

and that you’ll work with them from

another perspective.

→ Perception vs. Intent: The

perception of you not getting along

with your teammates is one thing,

when you think about them talking

about you from a literal standpoint,

can you quantify this? What do you

think their intent is? Where do you

think your perception might be a

little bit off?

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