Asking for the Sale
Suggested Strategy: Likely, this person’s struggles come from either a
lack of knowledge on how to ask for the sale or a lack of confidence in
their ability to do so. Use a Teach Me strategy to gauge their knowledge
and then use a Rating Question to gauge their confidence in their ability.
Suggested Questions:
→ Teach Me + The Sword: So that I don’t make any assumptions of your
knowledge because that would be unfair to you, could you please walk
me through how you would typically ask for the sale?
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing that
you are completely confident with
no hesitation in your ability to ask
for the sale and one representing
that you have no confidence at all
in doing so, where would you rate
yourself and why?
→ Dig Deeper: If the response is
linked to a lack of confidence, ask
your coaching target what you
can do together to help them
reach a six.
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