Leveraging Networking Opportunities
Suggested Strategy: Have a GOAL-Based Coaching conversation to help
the individual understand the importance of their networking efforts and
leveraging the opportunities that might become available to them as a
result of those efforts.
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six representing that
you leverage networking opportunities successfully on a consistent
basis, and one being that you never leverage networking opportunities,
where would you rate yourself and why?
→ Success Imperative: What specific actions are you willing to take to
successfully leverage networking opportunities to their maximum
Suggested Activities:
→ GOAL-Based Coaching: What are this individual’s career goals as a
salesperson? What does the individual need to become Great at? What
Opportunities might become available to them as a result of becoming
great? What Actions must the individual take to bring those
opportunities within reach? What will the individual Love about reaching
their goals? How might fully leveraging networking opportunities help
propel them forward toward their goals?
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