Prospecting with Confidence
Suggested Strategy: Utilize a Define & Coach strategy to help the person
you are coaching understand what the ideal behavior can positively
contribute to their sales strategy.
Suggested Questions:
→ Define & Coach: When thinking about confidently prospecting, what do
you think that would specifically look like for a salesperson?
→ Opposite Insertion Question: What specific steps do you think we can
take together to help you prospect confidently and become comfortable
with persisting through your prospecting?
Suggested Activities:
→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of a whiteboard, ask the
individual to describe their comfortability with prospecting and how they
typically approach the topic. On the right side of the board, write down
the definition of what it ideally looks like to prospect confidently. Then,
erase the left side and work with the salesperson to build a list of
specific actions to take to reach that ideal confidence level noted on
the right side of the board.
→ Teach Me: Ask the person you are coaching to share with you three
specific ways in which they will implement the action plan from the
above activity and in what situations they will practice confidence in
their prospecting.
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