CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Peer-to-Peer Coaching: Assign your coaching target to meet with a

new peer each week to discuss their strategies for utilizing suggestive

selling. What has their peer found to be successful? What challenges

have their peers faced when using suggestive selling, and how do they

address those challenges? At your next coaching session, discuss with

the individual the answers to these questions and any takeaways from

their discussions that they will put into practice on their own as they

have suggestive selling conversations.

→ Tangible Successes: Have the individual come back to your next

coaching session with three examples of what they believe to be

successful suggestive selling conversations with customers. How did

the conversation flow for them? What specific steps did they take to

make the conversation successful?

Supplemental Coaching Strategies:

→ Observational Coaching: Ask the individual to observe their peers in

their sales conversations as they utilize suggestive selling. This is a

great way for them to gain ideas for their own strategy, learn what

seems to work best for their peers, and hear the skill in real


→ 30-Second Coaching: Take 30 seconds to acknowledge the

individual’s progress in their suggestive selling technique. Let them

know the specific actions they have taken that have led to their

improved technique and how those efforts are appreciated.

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