Timid Follow Up to Cold Calling
Suggested Strategy: Typically, an individual that is too intimidated to sell
out of fear of inconveniencing the folks they are selling to will not fully
understand the risks involved with their timid approach. There are risks
associated with the individual themselves, the company, and even the
Suggested Questions:
→ Teach Me + The Sword: So
that I don’t make any
assumptions about where
you’re coming from because
that would be unfair to you,
could you please walk me
through your process for
following up on cold calls and
how you decide when you
should follow up?
→ Risk Questions: What risks do you think you might assume as a
salesperson when you are timid in your follow up with cold calls? What
risks do you think are presented to the company as a result of this? Do
you think there are any risks assumed for the client if are timid in your
follow up? If so, what are they?
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