CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library


Suggested Strategy: Using the Perception vs. Intent approach, begin the

conversation with bringing awareness to the individual’s behavior and its

impact on their position and team – Use words like we, share,

permission, opportunity, and perception to avoid a confrontational


Suggested Questions:

→ Permission-Based Question + The Sword: “With your permission,

because I don’t want to make any assumptions because that would be

unfair to you, I would like to share some observations with you as well

as some places for opportunity to grow?” When permission is granted,

follow up with “it is my perception that

” and you can then fill in the

blank with your concerns.

→ Self-Actualized Question: What specific actions will you take to

ensure that you successfully maintain a positive attitude at work?

Suggested Activities:

→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left side of a whiteboard, write down

how this person thinks their peers would currently describe their attitude.

On the right side of the board, write down this person’s ideal description

of how they would like to be described by their peers. Erase the left side

of the board and write down the actions that this person thinks they must

take to reach the ideal description on the right side of the board.

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