Embracing Empathy
Suggested Strategy: Objectively comprehend differing perspectives takes
a lot of self-reflection. Help your team/employee develop empathy by
allowing them the space to do so.
Suggested Questions:
→ Third Party Question: How would your friends or colleagues describe
the way you embrace empathy? Why do you think they would give the
answer they would give?
→ Risk Question: What risk do you assume by not developing empathy?
→ Self-Actualized Question: What will you do to successfully empathize
with your teammates, colleagues, clients, etc.?
Suggested Activities:
→ Define & Coach: Come up with a shared definition of empathy. Discuss
the importance of active listening, the ability to understand and share the
feelings of others, and how to actively demonstrate empathy to others.
→ Whiteboard Coaching: On the left-hand side of the board, write down
how the employee/team describes the way they currently empathize.
Then, on the right-hand side of the board, have them describe the ideal
definition of empathy in the workplace. Then erase the left side then ask
them what actions need to be taken so the right side of the board
becomes a reality.
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