CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Facilitating Self-Evaluation

Suggested Strategy: Utilize a Define & Coach strategy followed by a

Rating Question in your coaching conversation so that the individual you

are coaching has the opportunity to analyze their current and compare it

to the ideal.

Suggested Questions:

→ Define & Coach: Have the individual define what they think the ideal

behavior would look like if the expectations set by their position are met

and executed.

→ Rating Question: Based on the definition just provided, ask the

individual to honestly rate themselves on a scale of one to six, with six

representing that they follow that definition to the letter in their own

behavior and one being that they do not implement that definition at

all. Discuss why they rated themselves where they did.

Suggested Activities:

→ GOAL-Based Coaching: What does the individual strive to become

Great at in their position or in their overall career? What Opportunities

might become available to them as a result of becoming great? What

Actions must the individual take to bring those opportunities within

reach? What will the individual Love about reaching their goals? The

last question is to find their emotional connection to their goal. Finally,

discuss with them how improving upon the behavior at hand will help to

position them to effectively reach their goals.

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