CoachApply Master for Jacksonville Public Library

Suggested Learning Projects:

→ Observational Coaching: Ask the individual to observe peers that

excel in the behavior that you would like them to improve. As they

observe these peers, they should be paying attention to the

specific actions that their peers take to excel in this behavior and

any takeaways from their observations that the individual can put

into practice on their own.

→ Tangible Successes: Have the person come back to your next

coaching session with three examples of situations during the previous

week where they were able to successfully take action to improve in the

area you are coaching them to. Why do they feel they were able to be

successful in those situations, and how will their actions have an impact

on their efforts to reach their goals? How can they maintain this success

going forward?

Supplemental Coaching Strategies:

→ Journal-Based Coaching: Have the individual keep a journal in the

coming weeks with entries tracking their progress. They should analyze

their efforts to make improvements in this area, which strategies were

most successful, and which strategies they found challenges with. How

will they specifically address those challenges so that they are not

roadblocks on their path to reaching their goals?

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