Stepping Up to Be a Leader
Suggested Strategy: Use behavior-based questions to find the
employee’s confidence level in being a leader
Suggested Questions:
→ Rating Question: On a scale of one to six, with six being 100%
confident and one being a bit timid, where would you rate yourself as a
leader and why? What steps can we take together to help you reach a
→ Risk Question: What risks do you think you might assume by not
standing out as a leader?
Suggested Activities:
→ Role Play: With practice comes confidence – practice scenarios in
which this person will have to step up and take on that leader role. Ease
into it, start small and work your way up.
Suggested Learning Projects:
→ Tangible Successes: Have this person come back to your next
coaching session with five examples of stepping up to be a leader that
they experienced during the week. Also be prepared to discuss the
effects of taking initiative to be a leader that came from each of those
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